Following advice from the government many of our theatre friends have been forced to temporarily close their doors. This means any remaining future performances which we have been offered tickets for between now and the end of the scheme have either been cancelled by default, or we are deciding not to send our students, given the current situation.
Thank you to Richmond Theatre, New Wimbledon Theatre, The Lyric, The National Theatre, Rose Theatre Kingston, The Unicorn Theatre, The Globe, The Little Angel Theatre and Apollo Victoria for all the shows you have offered us tickets to since the start of the YR 2019/20 year in September. Our Young Reporters have loved attending your performances and we are immensely grateful for your support.
We really hope all the theatres who have closed their doors are able to reopen soon and we wish you all the best during this difficult period.
Alongside the offer of theatre tickets, we were currently advertising the opportunity to Ride the Slide at the ArcelorMittal Orbit, but this has also been cancelled on our part following government advice to avoid social contact and travel unless necessary. Thank you anyway to our contacts at the Orbit for making it possible in the first place.
Although we may not be offering any further events or shows for our students to attend, our scheme will carry on as normal until it finishes for this year at the end of April. Students will still be able to upload their articles onto our newspapers and all who complete the scheme, will still get their Letter of Recognition at the end to put towards their UCAS applications or their CVs.
As so many of us may soon be facing isolation with no certain time frame, we are proud of our scheme now more than ever, for giving students a voice and offering productivity from the comfort of their own home, allowing them the ability to get their thoughts, ideas and opinions written down on a digital platform read by millions. We cannot predict what is going to happen in the next few weeks, but we can be sure that our scheme will carry on until the last deadline on the 30th of April.
The Young Reporter Team